STEM Program
February 15, 2017, 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
The American Society of Naval Engineers proudly hosts the ASNE STEM Program sponsored by General Dynamics Mission Systems at Technology, Systems, and Ships (formerly ASNE Day) 2017. Journey into the soul of STEM with many of the country’s greatest minds. Invited speakers include Dr. Charles Fisher of the NSWC Carderock Division to discuss the broad range of outreach programs inspiring students to pursue careers in STEM and the annual Carderock Math Contest.
The event will also feature 3-D Printing 101 with professors from ODU Fleet Maker demonstrating 3-D printing and sharing its use in engineering. Also speaking will be Dr. Michelle Skoorka with the Office of Naval Research highlighting internships and scholarships for students. There will be a tour the exhibit hall full of the top organizations dedicated to supporting the naval engineering community browsing through everything from ship models and watching 3-D printers as the latest technology is displayed.
Also speaking will be RDML Lorin Selby, USN; Cheif Engineer and Deputy Commander for Ship Design, Integration and Naval Engineering, NAVSEA. Plus students will get a chance to hear from recent college graduates in STEM for a question and answer panel on “Suceeding in STEM” as panelists share tips, tricks, and things they wish they knew to better prepare for their future.
The program is expected to run from 9:00AM to 2:30PM. Lunch is included for all students and chaperones. Media release forms will be provided to all chaperones in attendance for students and parents to sign before arriving.
Download the STEM Event Flyer
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The ASNE STEM Program at TSS 2017 is sponsored by General Dynamics Mission Systems.

The STEM Program is subject to change, for updates and questions please contact: Helina Daniel at or 202-478-4915