Central Gulf Coast
Welcome to the Central Gulf Coast Section representing the American Society of Naval Engineers in the New Orleans area.
The Mission of the ASNE Central Gulf Coast Section is to facilitate professional partnerships between the marine industry, academia, government and other professional societies in the interests of furthering the collective knowledge and practice of the profession known as Naval Engineering. We strive to accomplish this mission through regular meetings featuring professional presentations on related topics, soliciting articles and papers for publication in the National Naval Engineers journal and recognizing the accomplishments of Naval Engineers across the broad based community within our local region which encompasses Texas, Louisiana, and the southern area of Mississippi including Pascagoula.
Our current membership is approximately 200 members strong and consists of marine industry professionals, members of academia, government, and other professional societies. You need not be a registered professional engineer to join or even an engineer, but merely have some affiliation with the practice of naval engineering which is defined below under the question: "what is Naval Engineering"?
We are always in need of volunteers. If you wish to volunteer, please contact one of the officers listed in the About Us tab above or send an e-mail to centralgulfcoastasne@gmail.com. Even if you can't volunteer at this time, please let us know your email address so we can keep you up to date on ASNE/SNAME events.
What is Naval Engineering?
"Naval Engineering includes all arts and sciences as applied in the research, development, design, construction, operation, maintenance and logistic support of surface and subsurface ships and marine craft, naval maritime auxiliaries, ship related aviation and space systems, combat systems, command, control, electronics and fixed and mobile shore facilities which are used by the naval and other military forces and civilian maritime organizations for the defense and well-being of the Nation."