Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of Ballast Water
Click here to view Using Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of Ballast Water Event Flyer
Gulf Flash Newsletter
Click here to view the first official rendition of the Gulf Flash Newsletter!
Smart Brief
Click here to view the ASNE Smart Brief. This is an excellent weekly publication to stay informed in the maritime industry.
Topics & Presenters
Seeking Topics and Presenters—if you have an idea for a topic of interest to be presented at a future ASNE/SNAME meeting or idea for web content that would be of general interest, please email Frank Colangelo, the ASNE CGC Section President, at . Keep in mind the broad definition of Naval Engineering and let your imagination soar.
Historical Note
Courtesy of Sal Guarino, Guarino & Cox, LLC
Just over 50 years ago, the first supply boat built by Halter Marine and that I struggled to draw up as a 22 year old ignorant kid, the DANTZLER PASCAGOULA was delivered. It was not big but it was for Halter then and it did big things for its size. The delivery trip was impressive in that this small, 140 ft., boat ran on it’s on bottom to the Middle East with the 115 ton 95 ft. utility boat LITTLE DANTZLER as deck cargo crossing the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea in winter.
At that time 150 feet was considered a large supply boat. The supply boat was simple at that time with no mud systems, bow thrusters or other outfit common today. Power was four GM 12V71 Detroit Diesels, two per shaft in a tandem configuration. It also was the first time we dealt with ABS albeit for Load Line only. The rules were simple and at that time the people at ABS were very helpful. Halter built a number of utility and supply boats for the Dantzler Boat and Barge company, headquartered in Pascagoula. The owner of that company was instrumental in having Halter start up the Halter Moss Point yard.