Technology Enablers for Digital Engineering Created by on 9/4/2018 9:31:25 AM
“This DoD Digital Engineering Strategy outlines the Department’s five strategic goals for the digital engineering initiative. The goals promote the use of digital representations of systems and components and the use of digital artifacts as a technical means of communication across a diverse set of stakeholders.
The strategy addresses a range of disciplines involved in the acquisition and procurement of national defense systems, and it encourages innovation in the way we build, test, field, and sustain our national defense systems and how we train and shape the workforce to use these practices....
This strategy describes the ‘what’ necessary to foster the use of digital engineering practices. Those implementing the practices must develop the ‘how’ — the implementation steps necessary to apply digital engineering in each enterprise.” - Michael D. Griffin, Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, Department of Defense Digital Engineering Strategy,
Be a part of the discussion on the 'how' by joining ASNE at Technology Enablers for Digital Engineering, October 16-17 in Dahlgren, Virginia. The Technology Enablers for Digital Engineering (TEDE) Symposium is a two-day forum for the discussion of current Department of Navy and Department of Defense Digital Engineering initiatives to advance and accelerate the development and deployment of warfighting capability. This unique two-day event is held in partnership between the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division and the American Society of Naval Engineers. The first day will be unclassified at the University of Mary Washington, Dahlgren Campus and features a confirmed keynote by The Honorable Rob Wittman; First Congressional District of Virginia. The second day will be classified at the Aegis BMD Facility, Dahlgren, VA.
Learn more and register online at: .
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Exhibits are not part of any DoD or NSWCDD endorsement of this event. Exhibit and Sponsorship opportunities presented concurrent to this symposium are separate and distinct from the conference, wholly the responsibility of ASNE, and are presented, operated and executed without endorsement, support, or other relationship to, by or for NSWCDD, the Navy, or the Department of Defense.
American Society of Naval Engineers
1452 Duke St | Alexandria, VA 22314 | 703-836-6727

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