Catch up with ASNE at WEST 2016
New Discussion
FOUO - Special Permission Forum
“Navy Unveils Cyber Security Architectures and Standards”
"The Department of Navy has just published its first eight of over two dozen planned design criteria for critical control and information systems. These design criteria will guide every current and future Navy acquisition that involves a computer chip or a network. Industry must have a deep understanding of these new standards to ensure an effective implementation and evolution of these criteria." RADM Dave Lewis, USN; Commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command

Be among the first to see and discuss the Navy's recently published cybersecurity architectures and standards for implementation on Navy platforms, networks and systems. Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command Chief Engineer, RDML John Ailes, will lead a discussion on the Navy’s approach for developing and promulgating cybersecurity standards that will guide the design, development and production of Navy computer-based systems. The presentation will include an overview of the initial eight standards that have been published. Afterward, attendees will have an opportunity to engage Navy leadership and subject matter experts in a Q&A session regarding Navy cybersecurity.
Planned speakers for this event are:
- RDML John Ailes
- Mr. Brian Marsh, SES
- Mr. Alan Godwin
The American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) has arranged with USNI and AFCEA to conduct this special session during WEST 2016 on Wednesday, 17 February, 0945-1145 at the San Diego Convention Center - Conference room 1 A&B.
To attend this forum you must be a U.S. Citizen U.S. Common Access Card holder (CAC)
- Military or Government Civilian CAC card holders
- Contractor who holds a CAC card with a "Green stripe"
For US citizens who do not possess a Common Access Card but wish to participate in this session, you may send a visit request via JPAS to secure your attendance. Please use the following information to support your request:
- Agency Being Visited: SPAWAR
- Security POC: Jennifer Sandoval,, 619-524-7022
- Reason for the visit: Meeting
- Additional Information: ASNE Standards Special Session at AFCEA
- Date of Meeting: 17 February 2016
- Visit Access: Confidential
- SMO code: 660015
Foreign National CAC card holder with a "Blue Stripe" are not eligible to attend.
Registration details and instructions can be found at the
West 2016 web site. For questions specific to this special event, please contact