Title: Building, Purchasing and Maintaining Mission Critical Watercraft
Authors: John Adey
Abstract: In the business of Enforcement on the water nothing is more important than a reliable, purpose-built watercraft. Within the Standards of the American Boat and Yacht Council are the essential elements to build and maintain the safest and most reliable boats possible. From fuel systems to seat structures, the standards cover significant safety items throughout the boat. The intent of this presentation is to show how the Standards can be used to purchase, evaluate and repair an agency’s fleet to ensure that optimum safety is maintained. This presentation includes:
1. Introduction to the ABYC and the Standards:
a. Why pay attention to Voluntary Standards?
b. Who uses the ABYC Standards?
c. What is covered in the Standards and how to read one.
d. How do the Standards and Federal Regulations work together?
2. The Product
a. How is a boat constructed and what impact does ABYC have on the process?
b. The difference between “recreational” and “commercial”
c. Can the Standards help you get the boat you really want?
d. Evaluating used boats
e. Repairing the fleet
f. Is an ABYC boat more expensive? Can we justify it?
g. Your role in getting the boat you and your agency needs.
3. Case Studies
a. ABYC vs. NON-ABYC is there really an issue?
b. What can happen, and has happened
4. Q&A