Launch and Recovery 2014 - Agenda
Tuesday, November 18
Professional Education Courses
0800 - 1200 Ship Seakeeping and Small Boat Dynamics During Launch and Recovery
Instructor: Dr. Edward Lewandowski (CSC)
1300 - 1700 Intro to Autonomous Systems
Instructor: Dr. Craig Woolsey (Virginia Tech)
Wednesday, November 19
0700 - 1700 Registration Open
0730 - 0830 Breakfast
0830 - 0835 Welcome
Dr. Leigh McCue, Launch & Recovery Symposium 2014 Chair
Mr. Glenn Ashe, President, ASNE
0835 - 0930 Keynote Address
RDML Michael Haycock, USCG, Assistant Commandant for Engineering & Logistics (CG-4) (Confirmed)
0930 - 1000 Break in Exhibit Area
1000 - 1800 Exhibit Area Open
1000 - 1130 L&R Program Management Panel
Moderator: Dr. Judah Milgram, ONR
Mr. Robert Ernst, NAVAIR (Confirmed)
CAPT David Honabach, USN, Program Manager, Unmanned Maritime Systems (PMS 406) (Confirmed)
Mr. John Kinzer, Aircraft Technology Program Officer, ONR 351 (Confirmed)
Mr. Nat Kobitz, Science Consultant, NKA (Confirmed)
1130 Lunch
1200 - 1245 Lunch Speaker
Mr. Roy Thomas, Engineering Manager, Corporate Chief Engineer’s Office, ABS (Confirmed)
1245 - 1300 Break in Exhibit Area
1300 - 1430 Technical Sessions 1
Technical Track 1: Surface/Subsurface/Air 1
Moderator: CAPT Dennis Kruse, USN (Ret.), ASNE
MQ-8 (Fire Scout) UAV Launch and Recovery Endurance Program Improvements
Dr. Bernard Ferrier (Hoffman Engineering Corp)
Scaled Prototype Design of Active Autonomous Dock Mechanism for UUV Recovery with a Slowly Moving Submarine Under Waves
Colin B. Gillis, Juan A. Carretero, Rickey Dubay (University of New Brunswick), George D. Watt (Defence Research and Development Canada)
Toward Ship Design Criteria for Launch and Recovery of Surface Vehicles and Subsurface Vehicles from Surface Ships
Dr. Christopher Bassler (NSWC Carderock), Christian Wines (Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation), Dr. Kevin McTaggart (Defence Research and Development Canada - Atlantic)
Technical Track 2: Surface 1
Moderator: Dr. Al Brown, Virginia Tech
Hydrodynamic Interactions During Launch and Recovery of a Small Boat from a Ship in a Seaway
Dr. Kevin McTaggart (Defence Research and Development Canada)
Small-Boat Motion Prediction and Control Using Neural-Network Technology
Dr. Daniel Luit (Leidos)
Comparative Analysis of Stern Ramp Sea Trials Results for a 154 ft Patrol Boat and a 418 ft Cutter
Eric Schmid (USCG SFLC)
1430 - 1500 Break in Exhibit Area
1500 - 1600 Technical Sessions 2
Technical Track 1: Subsurface 1
Moderator: Dave Jennings, NSWC Panama City
An Innovative Fully Autonomous Launch and Recovery System for AUVs
William B. Murphy (Hydroid, Inc.)
Automated Deploy and Retrieval of UUVs From USV
Dr. Tom Zhao (ATR Corporation)
Technical Track 2: Surface/Subsurface/Air 2
Moderator: Mr. Peter van Terwisga, Damen
Optimizing Ship Hullform Design for Stern-Ramp Boat Recovery
Matthew Riondet, Dr. Alan Brown (Virginia Tech)
How to Launch and Recover Your Smart Model Product
George Hazen (DRS Technologies, Advanced Marine Technology Center), Dr. Jaye Falls (United States Naval Academy), Matthew Bird (DRS Technologies, Advanced Marine Technology Center)
1600 - 1700 Reception
Thursday, November 20
0700 - 1600 Registration Open
0730 - 1400 Exhibit Area Open
0730 - 0830 Breakfast
0830 - 0930 Guest Speaker
Dr. Danette Allen, Chief Technologist for Autonomy, NASA Langley Research Center (Confirmed)
0930 - 1000 Break in Exhibit Area
1000 - 1200 Technical Sessions 3
Technical Track 1: Air
Moderator: Tevan Green, Citadel Logic LLC
Quiescent Period Prediction Systems Development for Launch and Recovey of Various Vehicles Used by the Royal Navy
Dr. Bernard Ferrier (Hoffman Engineering Corp)
H-60 Operator Guidance for DDG 51 Class Ships Decision Brief
Jim Webster (NAVSEA)
A Runway-Free Recovery System for Small to Medium Sized Fixed-Wing UAVs
Dr. Gilbert Lovell, Eric Hui, Dr. Tom Zhao (ATR Corporation)
Investigation of Dynamic Interface Using a Ship Mounted Whirl Stand
Eric More II, Dr. Murray Snyder (United States Naval Academy)
Technical Track 2: Surface 2
Moderator: CAPT Nathan Moore, USCG, Chief, Office of Naval Engineering (CG-45)
The Application of Side Planers and Capture Lines for Launch and Recovery of Offboard Assets from Naval Combatants
Malcolm Robb, David Lewis, Alasdair Burgess (BAE Systems Maritime Naval Ships), Matthew Thompson (BMT Designers and Planners), Rachel Pawling (UCL), Nicolas Carette (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN))
LAURA Joint Industry Project Towards a Launch and Recovery System Standardization
Dr. Frans Kremer (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN)), Erik Takken (Netherlands' Defence Materiel Organisation)
Model Tests and Time Domain Simulations for Launch and Recovery Systems with Manned and Unmanned Vehicle
Nicolas Carette (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN))
Impact Load Considerations for Stern Ramp Recovery
Jason Cordell, PE, Hemant Bhayde, PE (USCG SFLC)
1200 - 1215 Break in Exhibit Area
1215 - 1345 Luncheon and L&R In-Service Panel
Moderator: Mr. Frank DeBord, Surface Forces Logistics Center, USCG
CAPT Douglas Schofield, USCG, Commander, Surface Forces Logistics Center, USCG (Confirmed)
CAPT George A. Lesher, USCG, Commander, U.S. Coast Guard Yard (Confirmed)
CAPT Michael Rorstad, USCG, Long Range Enforcer (LRE), Product Line Manager (PLM), Surface Forces Logistics Center, USCG (Confirmed)
Mr. Chris Cleary, Chief, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, SFLC USCG (Confirmed)
1345 - 1400 Break in Exhibit Area
1400 - 1600 Technical Sessions 4
Technical Track 1: Subsurface 2
Moderator: Dr. Roy Samras, The McHenry Management Group
Numerical Predictions of the Relative Motion of a SWATH ASV and an AUV in Waves. A True Step Forward Towards Accurate L&R Simulations
Stefano Brizzolara (Innovative Ship Design Lab, MIT)
Concept for USV-Based Autonomous Launch and Recovery System
Edoardo Sarda, Manhar Dhanak, Karl von Ellenrieder (SeaTech-Institute for Ocean and Systems Engineering, Florida Atlantic University)
Development of Moon Pool Launch and Recovery system (MLARS) for the T-AGS-66 USNS M.F. MAURY Research Vessel
Sean Kery, Scott Henry, William Johnson, Caroline Angelo (CSC Advanced Marine Center), Willis Proper, Jason Chang, Jeff Fink (NAVSEA 05D), Edward Gent (U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis Space Center)
Automated Subsea Launch, Recovery and Replenishment from UUVs for Inceased Operational Availability
Rich Granger, David Pyle (Battelle)
Technical Track 2: Surface 3
Moderator: Mr. Dave Kaysen, KNAC
Mission Bay Handling systems for Launch and Recovery of Manned and Unmanned Systems
R. Irani, A. Williams, B. Spencer, D. Lewis, R. Malcolm (Rolls-Royce Canada Limited)
The Integration of Launch and Recovery Systems into Mission Compartment
Mark Eaton (Babcock International Group)
An Update to the Boat Launch, Recovery, Transfer and Storage Systems of the USCG National Security Cutter
Carlos Tomassoni, Matthew Sturr (BMT Designers and Planners), Niketa Brown (National Security Class Cutters Program Office (CG-9321)), Diane Burton
Application of Motion Control Technologies to the Launch and Recovery of Boats
James Diaz, David Bardash, Carlos Tomassoni (BMT Designers and Planners), Niketa Brown (National Security Class Cutters Program Office (CG-9321))
1600 Symposium Concludes