Launch and Recovery 2010 - Agenda
Day 1: Wednesday, December 8
0745 Registration/Continental Breakfast
0800 Exhibit Area Open
0830 Welcome
CAPT Paul Roden, USCG; Launch & Recovery Chairman
Ms. Kathleen Hinton, ASNE President
0835 Keynote Address
Dr. Larry Schuette, Director of Innovation, Office of Naval Research
0935 Break in Exhibit Area
1000 Launch & Recovery Operations Panel
Moderator: Mr. Robert Galway, NSWC Carderock, Combatant Craft Division
Panel Members:
Mr. Michael R. Erk, U.S. Navy Deputy Program Executive Officer for Unmanned Aviation
CAPT John F. Prince, USCG; Commanding Officer, USCGC Bertholf (WMSL 750)
Mr. John Sasse, Program Manager, U.S. Navy Deep Ocean Search and Recovery
1130 Break in Exhibit Area
1145 Lunch
1215 Luncheon Keynote
Mr. Peter Noble, Chief Naval Architect, ConocoPhillips
"The Offshore Industry – Working at and through the Air/Sea Interface"
1315 Break in Exhibit Area
1345 Technical Sessions
Technical Session 1: Subsea (Platforms)
NUWC’s Mid–sized Autonomous Reconfigurable Vehicle (MARV): Sub Surface Ship Launch and Recovery of a UUV Efforts – Richard Bashour, Mike Ansay, Daniel French (NUWC Newport)
Design Considerations for Launch and Recovery of Autonomous Systems from Ships, Including Coast Guard Icebreakers – Dr. Phil McGillivary (U.S. Coast Guard PACAREA & Icebreaker Science Liaison)
Technical Session 2: Air (UAV)
UAV Integration Aboard U.S. Navy Ships - Ryan Mortimer, Michael Goodman (CISD NSWC Carderock)
Dynamic Lift Assisted Short Takeoff & Landing (DynASTOL) - James Lang (AEREON Corporation)
Stabilized UAV Recovery System - Dr. Gilbert H. Lovell III
1500 Break in Exhibit Area
1530 Technical Sessions
Technical Session 1: Surface (Performance Analysis)
Environment and Platform Motion: Forecasting for Vehicle Launch and Recovery – Woei-Min Lin, Kenneth M. Weems, Paul E. Jones, Nahid Sidki (Science Applications International Corporation)
Motion Prediction for Watercraft Operations and Recovery – Zhiliang Xing, LT Brook Sherman, Leigh McCue (Virginia Tech Department of Aerospace & Ocean Engineering)
Simulation and Modeling for Launch & Recovery - USCG SFLC
Technical Session 2: Air (Systems)
Launch and Recovery Using the EMKIT System – Graham Bellamy, Karen Flint (Converteam Ltd., Rugby, UK), LT James Watson, RN (Ministry of Defense)
Ship–based UAV Recovery System (SURS) – James Goldie, Will Hafer, Nicholas Vitale (Infoscitex)
Small fixed-wing UAV, M80 Stiletto - Steve Miller (AAI - Textron)
1645 Evening Reception in Exihibit Area
1830 Adjourn Day 1
Day 2: Thursday, December 9
0730 Registration/Continental Breakfast
0800 Exhibit Area Open
0800 Keynote Address
RDML John H. Korn, USCG; Director of Acquisition Programs and Program Executive Officer (PEO),
U.S. Coast Guard
0900 Break in Exhibit Area
0930 Technical Sessions
Technical Session 1: Surface (Testing and Trials)
State of the Art Model Test Procedures for Boat Launch and Recovery – Dr. Christian E. Schmittner, Bastien Abeil (Marin)
A Proposed Approach to Launch and Recovery Experimental Data Acquisition and Analysis – Stephen Minnich, Robert Bachman (NSWC Carderock)
Stern Launch and Recovery Evaluation for Large Coast Guard Vessels – Rubin Sheinberg, Christopher Cleary, Frank DeBord (USCG Surface Forces Logistics Center)
Unmanned Sea Surface Vehicle (USSV) Motion Data and Refueling Equipment Design – Robert Galway (NSWC Carderock), Donald Harris (CDI Marine)
Technical Session 2: Air (Platforms)
Comparison of Experimental and Computational Ship Air Wakes for YP Class Patrol Craft – CAPT Murray R. Snyder, USN, Ph.D. (U.S. Naval Academy)
Further Validation of Simulated Dynamic Interface Testing as a Tool in the Forecasting of Air Vehicle Deck Limits – Dr. Bernard Ferrier, Dr. John Duncan, John Nelson, David Ludwig, Dean Carico
Seakeeping Tactical Operator Guidance for Flight Deck Sea Trials - J.L. Colwell (DRDC)
1130 Break in Exhibit Area
1200 Lunch
1300 Launch & Recovery Programs Panel
Moderator: CAPT Lisa M. Festa, USCG, Surface Acquisition Program Manager
Panel Members:
CAPT James Donnelly, USN; U.S. Navy Program Executive Office, Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment
Mr. Daniel French, Head, Autonomous Undersea Vehicle Division, NUWC Newport
Mr. Darryl Updegrove, LR&H IPT Lead for PMS 501, NSWC Panama City
1400 Break in Exhibit Area
1430 Technical Sessions
Technical Session 1: Subsea (Systems)
Remotely Operated Launch & Recovery System for Maritime Surveillance Equipment– Dave Kinnard (Northrop Grumman Undersea Systems)
An Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Launch, Recovery, and Onboard Handling and Servicing System for Use with Unmanned Surface Vehicles – Michael Selzler (Advanced Technology & Research Corporation)
Soft Rail System: A New Approach– Ron Seiple (Creative Technology Applications, Inc.)
Technical Session 2: Surface (Systems)
The Work Boat Reception System – Andreas Røyseth (Rolls-Royce Offshore), Geoff Lebans (Rolls-Royce Naval Marine Inc.)
New DCNS Stern Mounted Small Boat Launch and Recovery System - Eric Perrot (DCNS)
Offshore Personnel to Unmanned Structure Transfer – David Cerda Salzmann (Ampelmann)
Experimental Application of a Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Methodology for Recovery of Unmanned Surface Vessels - Lucas C. McNinch, Hashem Ashrafiuon, and Kenneth R. Muske (Villanova University)
1630 Closing Remarks
1645 Symposium Concludes