Technical Papers - Track 12
Maj Gen H. Brent Baker, USAF (Ret.), John A. Muckstadt, and Maj Gen George Babbitt, USAF (Ret.), "Naval Supply Chains in a Connected World"
High-level processes such as the Supply Chain Operations Model connects assets, processes, people, and resource by a digital cord with the Internet of Things. Software solutions that provide an end-to-end solution can be procured with the idea of eliminating numerous old and outdated software tools that provide a single function at best.
David Hua, "Risk Based Inspection and Maintenance"
Risk based inspection is a process that uses risk techniques to focus inspection and maintenance efforts, applying risk to help define where to inspect, when to inspect, and how to inspect a ship throughout its lifecycle. A service life extension program using risk-based inspection and effective maintenance has been employed on over 70 U.S. Navy and NOAA vessels, and could be readily applied to any combatant or auxiliary naval vessel.