1423 Powhatan St., Suite 1 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Phone (703) 836-6727 Fax (703) 836-7491 Email: asnehq@navalengineers.org
TRACK 1 Technology for Reduced Manning
Advanced Virtual Instrument Test System (AVITS) Mark McHugh and S. Cluer
TRACK 2 Program and Management Initiatives
DD(X) Maintenance Concept of Operations Clif Mitchell and W. Sposato
TRACK 3 Maintenance and Support
Compressor Wash Prognostics for Gas Turbine Generators D. Caguiat and J. Scharschan
Reducing theMaintenance Burden of Shipboard Collective Protection Systems K. Cogley, et al
Integration of Diagnostic Sensors for Intelligent Filtration Ken Gilliam, et al
New Capabilities of the Army's Maintenance Manpower Modeling Tool S. Archer, et al
Flexible Corrosion Preventative Coverings D. Hutton
Fabrication Modeling Technology Development for Shipbuilding Applications F. Brust, et al
Copper in the Rotor for Lighter, Longer Lasting Motors C. Stark, et al
Reengineering the Aircraft Carrier Life Cycle Maintenance Process M. Gomori and N. D'Amato
Maintenance & Design in Support of Alternative Crewing Concepts LCDR M. Rorstad, USCG, et al
Recent Improvements in Naval Engineering Support for the U.S. Coast Guard Fleet CAPT P. Roden, USCG
Lunch Speaker VADM Terrance T. Etnyre, USN Commander, Naval Surface Forces
New Synthetics: An Innovative Alternative to Steel for Navy Applications R. Kole, et al
Enterprise Remote Monitoring (ICAS & Distance Support), Tomorrow's Vision Being Executed Every Day C. Savage, et al
Integration of Navy Maintenance and Modernization M. Borokowski and M. Cioppi
Machinery Health Monitoring Sense and Respond Logistics System G. J. Gaines and P. Sisa
Surface Mineralization as an Alternative to Cadmium Plating and Hexavalent Chromate for Corrosion Protection G. Simpson and N. Heimann
Condition Based Maintenance (CBMT) Plus Maintenance Friendly Technologies: Challenges & Benefits K. Jacobs and J. Claman
Improved Operational Effectiveness through a Maintenance Free Operating Period (MFOP) Initiative J. Ensminger, et al