Electric Machines Technology Symposium 2010 - Agenda
Day One — Wednesday, 19 May
0700 - 0800 Registration & Continental Breakfast
Exhibit Hall Open
0800 - 0815 Conference Welcome and Opening Remarks
Dr. E. Michael Golda, Chairman, EMTS 2010
CAPT Alexander Desroches, USN; Commanding Officer, Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station, Philadelphia, PA
Ms. Kathleen Hinton, President, ASNE
0815 - 0910 Acquisition Challenges
Dr. John Amy, Senior Advisor EMALS Integration, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Devlopment, and Acquisition)
"Acquisition Challenge that Software Poses in Achieving Increased Energy Efficiency and Expanded Electrical Capabilities"
0915 - 1010 Developing a Combined Strategic Roadmap
Dr. Norbert Doerry, NAVSEA, Deputy Director Future Concepts and Surface Ship Design (NAVSEA 05DB)
"Issues in Developing a Combined Strategic Roadmap for Energy Efficiency and Integrated Power"
1010 - 1030 Break/Exhibit Hall Open, Sponsored by Northrop Grumman - AMSEC
1030 - 1045 Remarks and Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Patricia Woody, Department Head, Machinery Research and Engineering, NSWCCD–SSES
1045 - 1145 Keynote Address
RDML David H. Lewis, USN; Vice Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
1145 - 1155 Recognition of SeaPerch Award Winners
1200 - 1245 Luncheon, Sponsored by RCT Systems
1300 - 1345 Luncheon Program Continues
CAPT Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper, USN; Chief Technology Officer, NAVSEA 05, former NASA Astronaut
1345 - 1500 Technical Session:
Ship Integration A
Moderator: Dr. Scott Sudhoff
An Integrated Power System Aboard Makin Island - Louis V. Dusang, Jr. and C. David Mako
Naval Integrated Cryogenic Engineering Plant - Brian Fitzpatrick, Jacob Kephart and Nathan Spivey
USS Makin Island Auxiliary Propulsion System: Identification and Accomodating of System Level Interactions - Tom Dalton and Jim Turso
1400 - 1500 Sea Perch Student Session with CAPT Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper
1500 - 1515 Break and Refreshments, Sponsored by Creative Energy Solutions, Inc.
Exhibit Hall Open
1515 - 1655 Technical Sessions:
Propulsion and Power Generation A
Moderator: Dr. Chris Dafis
Nonlinear Modeling of Linear Induction Machines for Analysis and Control of Novel Electric Warship Subsystems - Nikolaos I. Xiros, Chris S. Edrington and Saritha Balathandayuthapani
An Investigation of DC-DC Converter Power Density - M. Porter, J. Ciezki and T. Salem
Ultra High Efficiency DC-DC Converter for Use in Ungrounded Systems - Edward E. Bowles, Edward Ortiz and James B. Zgliczynski
Evaluation of Radiated EMI in Pulse Width Modulated Motor Drives Due to Switching Characteristics - Dr. Osama Mohammed and Andrew Rosales
Advanced Machinery A
Moderator: Dr. Thomas Kiehne
Fuel Cell Hybrid System for Shipboard Applications - Leo Luckose, H.L. Hess and B.K. Johnson
Flywheel Energy Storage in Support of Naval Integrated Power Systems - Richard Hockney and Matthew Polimeno
Comparing the Pareto-Optimal Fronts of Machine Rectifier Systems - M. Bash, S. Sudhoff, S. Pekarek, Jennifer Whitmore and Michelle Frantzen
An Effective Method for Improving Efficiency in Two-Pole AC Induction Machines - Changiz Rashidzadeh and Robert Cox
Advanced Ship Systems A
Moderator: Mr. Greg Szepe
Online Capacitance and Dissipation Factor Monitoring of AC Motor Stator Insulation - Karim Younsi, Prabhakar Neti, Manoj Shah, Joe Yingeng Zhou, John Krahn and Konrad Weeber
Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Machinery Fault Detection and Diagnosis - Biswanath Samanta and C. Nataraj
A Shipboard Energy Conservation and Fuel Management Decision Tool - Grant John Gorton, Bob Hogan, Eric Schneider and Chris Savage
Intelligent Microgrid Demonstrator - R. Hebner, J. Herbst and A. Gattozzi
1700 - 1830 Evening Reception and Poster Session
Exhibit Hall Open
1845 Spirit of Philadelphia Cruise, Sponsored by L-3 Marine & Power Systems
Day Two —Thursday, 20 May
0700 - 0800 Registration & Continental Breakfast, Sponsored by DRS Technologies
Exhibit Hall Open
0815 - 0955 Technical Sessions:
Ship Integration B
Moderator: Dr. John Ciezki
Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of a 2.5 MW High Speed Generator - M. Steurer, J. Langston, A. Farrell, T. Chiocchio, J. Vaidya, S. Azongha, K. Schoder, M. Sloderbeck, C. Edrington and K. Yost
Advanced Energy Storage System for Single Engine Cruise and Related Applications - John Heinzel, Donald Hoffman and John Kuseian
Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Condition Based Maintenance of Electrical Machines Using Particle Swarm Optimization - Yaw Nyanteh, Chris Edrington, Sanjeev Srivastava and David Cartes
Advanced Shipboard Energy Storage System - Dennis Mahoney, Ed Wagner, Jim Munro and Joe Lazzari
Weapons and Sensor Systems
Moderator: Mr. Chris Farr
The DDG-1000 Zumwalt Integrated Power System's Unique Indirect Logical Interfaces with Weapons and Sensor Systems - Greg Szepe
A System of Ships Approach to Integrating Pulsed Power Weapons and Sensor Systems on Navy Ships - Gregory Anderson, Kristen A. Bradshaw, Tracey Herr and Stepfanie Robeski
Pulsed Power Loads Support and Efficiency Improvement on Navy Ships - R. Hebner, J. Herbst and A. Gattozzi
Reducing Power System Impact of Pulsed Power Loads - J.M. Crider and S.D. Sudhoff
Thermal Management and Materials Issues
Moderator: Dr. Lukas Graber
Validating and Managing Thermal Loads on Navy Ships - Michael McGovern and Joseph McGillian
High Damping Resin for Impregnation of Propulsion Scale Electric Machinery - Christopher Stack and Brad Rix
Thermal-Electrical Co-Simulation of the Power Grid on an All-Electric Ship - Dr. Thomas M. Kiehne and Matthew A. Pruske
Advanced Pole-Amplitude-Modulated Induction Machinery for Main Naval Propulsion - Dr. Stephen B. Kuznetsov
0955 - 1015 Break and Refreshments
Exhibit Hall Open
1015 - 1145 Panel Session – “How Do We Advance Technology and Achieve Energy Efficiency in a Constrained Fiscal Environment?”
Moderator: CAPT Lynn J. Petersen, USN; Deputy Director, Electric Ships Office, PMS320
Dr. Tim McCoy, PEO Ships, Director, Electric Ships Office
Mr. Glen Sturtevant, PEO Ships, Director of Science and Technology
Dr. John Pazik, Office of Naval Research
Mr. Dale Hirschman, U.S. Fleet Forces Command
1200 - 1330 Lunch, Sponsored by General Dynamics
Museum Tours - Eight museum docent interpreters will be located at various sites including museum
ships USS Olympia (Admrial Dewey's flagship at the Battle of Manila Bay), and
USS Becuna (World War II submarine).
1345 - 1550 Technical Sessions:
Advanced Ship Systems B
Moderator: Mrs. Kristen Bradshaw
Hybrid Electric Drive Topology Comparison - Chris Farr, Jim Fulmer and Greg Poole
Stability Analysis of DC Power Systems: Some Practical Considerations - M. Bash, J. Crider, C. Harianto, J. Neely, S. Pekarek, H. Suryanarayana, S. Sudhoff, N. Vaks, Y. Lee, E. Zivi, J. Lian and R. Chan
Simulation and Hardware Tools for Evaluation of Alternative MVDC Grounding Strategies - D. Infante, L. Graber, M. Steurer, J. Ciezki and S. Pekarek
LSD Replacement IPS Design Concept: LSX - LT Chad Tidd, LT Nadia Tepper and LT Douglas Kroll
Power Conservation and Other Benefits of Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) in Shipboard Applications - R. Soto, J. Schmeller and W. Harhay
Propulsion and Power Generation B
Moderator: Dr. Chris Edrington
Engineering a Class of Innovative Affordable Amphibious Assault Hybrid Warships via LHD 8 USS Makin Island - Abe Boughner, Thomas Dalton and David Mako
Effects of High Output Frequency in Naval Generators - Matthew Smith and James Fulmer
Power Criterion for Emulating a Prime Mover with an Electric Motor - Blanca A. Correa, Anton H.C. Smith and Roger A. Dougal
Qualification of High Voltage/High Frequency Insulation Systems for Naval Applications - Paul C. Gaberson
Multi-Objective Optimization Methods for Power Loss Minimization and Voltage Stability - Thabendra Thevarajan, Yaw Nyanteh, Sanjeev K. Srivastava, Bhuvana Ramachandran and David A. Cartes
1330 - 1345 Break
1420 - 1550 Technical Session:
Electric Actuators
Moderator: Dr. Karim Younsi
Synergetics Control for Marine Actuators - Igor Kondratiev, Roger Dougal and Gennady E. Veselov
New Sensor and Control Technology Provide an Option for Electric Control Valve Actuation - Tom Matthews
Parameter Optimization for Audible Noise Reduction in High Frequency Injection Based Low Speed Sensorless Control of PM Machines - Ahmad Arshan, Osama Mohammed, Mark Roberts and Rich McConnell
Integrated Electric Drive Control System Requirements - Mike Roa
1600 Symposium Adjourns