1423 Powhatan St., Suite 1 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Phone (703) 836-6727 Fax (703) 836-7491 Email: asnehq@navalengineers.org
T1 - Logistics Moderator: VADM James F. Amerault, USN (Ret.) Asst. Mod: CAPT Michael Ambrose, USNR(Ret)
Contracted Logistics Support and International Law During DoD and Maritime Transformation - The Solution! or the National Strategic Trap? Russell E. Bryant
Sea Base Logistics Assessment Tool (SLAT) Dr. William T. Baylis
Virtual Instructor, Universal Classroom: Learning to Operate and Maintain Innovative Maritime Technologies with Innovative Technology John Cribb
Design for Supportability in Open Systems Michele Hanna
Reconfigurable Stowage for the 21st Century Navy Ted Williams
Naval Vessel Rules: A NAVSEA/ABS Partnership for the Future RADM Paul E. Sullivan, USN, Howard Fireman, Ray Finney, & Glenn Ashe
A Network-Centric Approach to Maritime Domain Awareness CDR Michael Anderson, USCG & Bruce Winterstine
Modeling Ship Motion Effects on Human Performance for Real Time Simulation J. L. Colwell
SSGN Capabilities for Sea Power21 CAPT Brian Wegner, USN
The HV-911 Eagle Eye Tiltrotor VUAV: An Exciting Future for Coast Guard Aviation LCDR Troy Beshears, USCG & CAPT Gordon I. Peterson, USN(Ret.)
Electromagnetic Modeling for Ultra-Fast Actuation Dr. Vincent Leconte, Dr. Oliver Chadebec, Dr. Vincent Mazauric, & Philippe Wendling
PEEC Method for Power Busbar Design J.P. Gonnet, Dr. V. Mazauric, Dr. J.M. Guichon, & P. Wendling
Design of a Detection Signal for Fault Detection and Model Identification on Systems with Multiple Delays Dr. Kimberly J. Drake & Dr. Stephen L. Campbell
Thermal Management for the Electric Warship Mark Zerby & Kevin King
T4 - Open Architecture Moderator: Joseph Schlesselman Asst. Mod: Gordon A. Hunt
An Introduction to DDS and Data-Centric Communications Dr. Gerardo Pardo-Castellote
Real Time-Data Distribution Services (RT-DDS) Solutions for Navy Open Architecture Paul Work
LynuxWorks - Use of the POSIX Standard in Open Architecture Theresa Rickman
AEGIS Open Architecture - The Transformation of the AEGIS Weapon System Rick Scharadin & Frank Boyle
OACE Middleware for SSDS Mk2 Ronald Townsen
Submarine Open Architecture and Information Assurance James Thompson
Shock Trial Simulation for Naval Ships LT Jarema M. Didoszak, USN, Dr. Young S. Shin, & CAPT David H. Lewis, USN
Integrated Design Process for Advanced Hydrodynamic Hull Forms Matthew R. Whitten & Dr. Robert E. Henderson
Operating Speed Profiles and the Ship Design Cycle CDR Steve Surko, USN (Ret.) & Michael Osborne
Flexible Corrosion Preventative Coverings Thomas Nelson & Nabil A. Elkouh, Ph.D.
Evolution of the Assessment Visit; Continued RCM in the new Century Michael W. Harris & Albert A. Trippel
Comparative Analysis of Anti-Swing Control of Gantry Crane Quing Dong & Saroj K. Biswas