Title: Advancing Ship Battle Damage Response by Integrating Distributed and Hull Systems Models
Authors: CDR Joseph Famme (ret.), Dr. C.M. Lee Ph.D., Mr. Noel Angeles, Mr. Tobin McNatt, Mr. Ted Raitch, CDR Mike Rimmer, RN (ret.)
Abstract: Naval forces continue to be exposed to mine, torpedo and missile threats as experienced by Stark, Roberts, Tarawa and Princeton 1992, Cole 2000, and Cheonan 2010. Survivability systems restore combat systems firepower and the ship’s machinery / hull systems to maneuver, as possible. This paper describes the evolution of survivable distributed machinery and battle damage control systems based on physics reference models (PRM) to improve damage response by ‘knowing’ the state of remaining systems, rapidly defining what is not known, in order to prioritize response actions. PRM intelligent decision aids can interlace control systems’ automation with crew casualty response actions as defined by the Operational Sequence System (OSS), augmented by artificial intelligence decision aids. In 2006 ONR added another layer of decision aids by installing wireless hull stress sensors in the X-Craft. This paper discusses possible integration of hull stress / ship maneuver envelope models FCCS/HSSS/ULTSTR/IDA, augmented by ship class design archives such as the Navy Integrated Structural Design Environment (ISDE) and Standardized Ship Product Models, with the decision aids of distributed PRM models. Advanced monitoring and visualization is described using hull finite element analysis and virtual reality techniques developed by the ROKN for post-damage analysis of Cheonan damage 2010. (200 words)