Title: Load Buffering Technique Development Utilizing Power-Hardware-in-The-Loop
Authors: William Mui, Stepfanie Veiga, Dr. Qing Dong, Dr. John Heinzel, and Dr. Michael Knauff
Abstract: The load buffering development and evaluation effort is an investigation of the feasibility and evaluation of the risk of implementing load buffering techniques on a shipboard power distribution system through modeling, simulation and Real Time (RT) Power-Hardware-In-the-Loop (PHIL) testing to ensure operational stability and power quality of the gas turbine generator. The purpose of the load buffering is to ease the dynamic transient encumbrance on the gas turbine generator due to the high energy and high power stochastic pulse loading. Preliminary load buffering control methods were developed and implemented on a reduced scale laboratory apparatus. Three different pulsed load scenarios were profiled and their corresponding buffering controllers were developed based on classic control theory. Real Time Power-Hardware-In-the-Loop tests were implemented on the laboratory power electronics hardware. The test results have been assessed and show the effectiveness of load buffering method approach.