1423 Powhatan St., Suite 1 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Phone (703) 836-6727 Fax (703) 836-7491 Email: asnehq@navalengineers.org
June 10 - 12, 2025
Hampton Roads Convention Center, Hampton, VA
MegaRust is scheduled for June 10-12, 2025 at the Hampton Roads Convention Center, Hampton, VA! MegaRust is conducted annually to provide a consolidated focus on Navy corrosion issues. Corrosion is a major factor in the readiness and total ownership cost of naval systems and this conference is intended to provide updated information on programs, policies, standards and Fleet experience related to corrosion and to promote discussion and sharing of information on technologies and strategies for controlling corrosion. The conference provides an impartial forum for dialogue between government and commercial organizations, and providers of coatings and corrosion control products, processes, technologies and solutions. Participants include representatives from military, industry, and government organizations involved with research and development, design, engineering, construction, maintenance, modernization and operation of naval systems that are potentially affected by corrosion. The conference covers all segments of the naval services including sea, air, Marine Corps, vehicles, and facilities.
1610 Coliseum Dr
Hampton, VA 23666
MegaRust 2025 will be held at the Hampton Roads Convention Center at 1610 Coliseum Dr, Hampton, VA 23666. A limited number of rooms are available for MegaRust attendees.
Rooms must be secured by May 10th and they are limited so reserve today.
Book your group rate for the Mega Rust Conference
Book your group rate for the Mega Rust Conference Per Diem
To reserve by phone call the toll free number and refer to American Society of Naval Engineers - 833-372-0719.
In preparation for this highly-anticipated event, the MegaRust Mid-Year Review will take place virtually on Microsoft Teams on January 23, 1300-1500 EST. Hosted by the MegaRust 2025 Planning Committee, log on or dial in to hear about plans for the upcoming conference and updates from NAVSEA 05P2, Surface Ship Corrosion Knowledge Sharing Network (KSN), and the National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) leaders. The Mid-Year Review is an opportunity to discuss key corrosion issues concerning the Navy enterprise and to generate questions and talking points for potential presenters.
Early Bird Rates Before 05/09/25
Standard Rates
Onsite Rates
The following registrations are for the full event and include instruction, materials, food, refreshments, exhibit hall, and collaborative events that are considered an integral part of the event unless otherwise noted on the agenda as restricted.
Price includes $180 annual membership dues
Price includes $84 annual membership dues
Price includes $225 annual membership dues
Active Duty/Reservist Active Status (O-5 and above) and Gov. Civilians (All GS levels). No Contractors.
Active Duty/Reservist Active Status
(Must include rank & branch on profile)
(All paper presenters must be registered to present.)
The following registrations are for the full access to the event on ONLY the selected date and include instruction, materials, food, refreshments, exhibit hall, and collaborative events that are considered an integral part of the event unless otherwise noted on the agenda as restricted.
Access to Exhibit Hall, Live Demos and Welcome Reception Only. Lunch is NOT included. Lunch tickets available for purchase
Individuals from exhibiting companies who are working in an exhibit booth. You must be registered before the event
Any additional booth personnel exceeding the number of complimentary registrations included with the booth are subject to the Exhibit Hall Only rates specified below
Lunch tickets are $25/day & $30/Day on site. Ticket sales end 30 minutes before lunch.
*Restrictions: Discount does not apply to membership and cannot be combined with other offers. All individuals must be registered for the same event at the applicable price point and on one invoice. $0 registrations are excluded from the group count for discount purposes. For more information, and to get your group registered, please call 703-836-6727 or email ASNEHQ@navalengineers.org
Elevate your brand and actively contribute to MegaRust's success by exploring our diverse sponsorship opportunities. We offer unique avenues for you to market and showcase your company to a specialized audience deeply involved in naval corrosion control. By becoming a sponsor, you align your brand with innovation and industry leadership. Connect with us today at Sponsorships@NavalEngineers.org or call (703)836-6727 to explore the best sponsorship opportunity for your organization or to submit your application.
Showcase your organization's latest advancements in naval corrosion control at MegaRust! Be part of a community that includes military, industry, and government representatives engaged in research, development, and operation of naval systems affected by corrosion. Don't miss this prime opportunity to feature your products and services in an environment where knowledge-sharing thrives. For more details on exhibit opportunities, connect with us at Exhibits@NavalEngineers.org or call (703)836-6727 and explore how MegaRust can amplify your organization's impact.
To become an exhibitor, you can purchase a booth online below or by completing this Exhibitor Application PDF and submitting to Exhibits@NavalEngineers.org.
MegaRust 2025 Rates:
Each exhibitor will receive 1 to 2 full complimentary registrations (based on booth type(s)) to attend technical sessions, speakers, and panels. Badge information for these attendees should be submitted to Exhibits@navalengineers.org no later than COB 16 May. All booth personnel badges must be registered by the exhibitor through the event registration tab. Any additional booth personnel exceeding the number of complimentary registrations included with the booth are subject to the Exhibit Hall Visitor rates. Meal tickets are not included for booth personnel or exhibit hall only badges, but can be purchased online or on-site for $25.
Abstract submission are now OPEN. Click here to submit an abstract.
MegaRust is conducted annually to provide a consolidated focus on Navy corrosion issues. Corrosion is a major factor in the readiness and total ownership cost of naval systems and this conference is intended to provide updated information on programs, policies, standards and Fleet experience related to corrosion and to promote discussion and sharing of information on technologies and strategies for controlling corrosion. The conference provides an impartial forum for dialogue between government and commercial organizations, and providers of coatings and corrosion control products, processes, technologies and solutions. Participants include representatives from military, industry, and government organizations involved with research and development, design, engineering, construction, maintenance, modernization and operation of naval systems that are potentially affected by corrosion. The conference covers all segments of the naval services including sea, air, Marine Corps, vehicles, and facilities.
For additional information and details on paper submission, see the ASNE Technical Papers Guidelines.
Questions for the MegaRust Committee Technical Papers Chair? Please email: MegaRust@navalengineers.org