ASNE Day 2016 - Professional Poster Session
- Joe Beel and Reema Prasad, "Smart+Connected Lighting - Shipboard Lighting as Service"
- Dr. Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn, "Sailing ships as a means of energy production and storage"
- CAPT Stanley DeGeus, USN (Ret.), "We have the power!"
- Dr. David Cope, Dr. Marcel Gaudreau, Dr. Neil Butler, Matthew Munderville, "Fast MVDC Solid-State Circuit Breaker"
- Matthew Frank, "Next-Generation Thermal Management Architecture for Future Surface Combatants"
- Dr. Douglas Rigterink, Dr. Alexander Gray, and Dr. Jun Li, "Using design space exploration to mitigate the impacts of technology insertion for naval combatants"
- James O. Marsh, Anthony J. Benn, "Software reprogrammable payload: addressing the challenges of digital interoperability"
- Matthew King and Joshua Pennington, "Facilitating model development and pre-processing for solving using sierra mechanics"
- CAPT Michael Anderson, USN (Ret.) and Michael Thomas, "Surface Warfare Combat Systems Training and Testing"
- Dr. Moinuddin Sarker, "Conversion of Waste Plastic into Low Sulfur Diesel"
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