ASNE Day 2016 - Technical Paper Session 2 : Wednesday, March 2, 2016 1600-1730
Unmanned and Cyber
Author: Andrew Nuss; Dr. Timothy Blackburn; Dr. Andreas Garstenauer
Title: Towards Resilient Unmanned Maritime Systems
As Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMS) become commonplace in the defense, industrial, academic and hobby domains, they will encounter unexpected endogenous and exogenous disruptions that affect their ability to satisfy their mission. To mitigate the effect of these disruptions on the system, resilience needs to be considered during the system development.
This paper will introduce UMSs, their current applications in the defense, industrial, commercial and hobby domains and their expected growth in quantity and missions. Accompanying this platform centric discussion will be a review of the Levels of Autonomy (LOA) and impact to system architecture, missions and development of UMSs. Resilience will be introduced with a review of current practices. The paper will then introduce challenges that systems designers face when developing resilient UMSs, to include the operational environment (undersea vs. surface), missions and level of autonomy among many others. Current research and case studies will be presented for each challenge.
The paper will identify existing methodologies that system designers have available when developing resilient UMSs. Heuristics, system architectures and mission focused analysis are all approaches to be discussed. Finally, the paper will identify recommendations for the research communities to explore in order to ensure resilient UMSs are fielded for defense, commercial, industrial and hobby purposes.
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