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Email: asnehq@navalengineers.org

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Princeton Electric Speedboating

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Keep up with these industry-leading students at: https://www.princetonelectricspeedboating.com/

2024 PE2024 PEP Competition Season

Big Bird Competition Results: 5 laps in 6:17

     Race Score: 40 points
          (+20 points for Planing Div. fastest time!)
     Report Score: 12 points
     Video Score: 11.43 points
     Testing Bonus: 4 points
          Total Score: 87.43 points

Tiger Competition Results: 0 complete laps

     Race Score: 0 points
     Report Score: 11.67 points
     Video Score: 11.29 points
     Testing Bonus: 4 points
          Total Score: 26.96 points


NOTE: You can keep up with all things PES at https://princetonelectricspeedboating.com/.

Princeton Electric Speedboating Presentations for PEP24

PES on the Water at PEP24

Check out all the pictures of Princeton Electric Speedboating in action at PEP24!

2023 PEP Competition Season

The Papillon Rouge team of students from Princeton University have been working hard for three years building expertise and craft to achieve lofty goals. The 2023 competition saw them meet many of their goals by taking first with an impressive craft that was looping majestically around the Elizabeth River in sweeping turns at impressive speeds. Driver, Andrew Robbins, demonstrated how to safely operate a craft designed for high speeds. Team lead, Nathan Yates, has been shepherding this work for three years and is taking his impressive talents to the workforce next year. The team is full of talented engineers that worked quickly, efficiently and impressively at the Washington College race in April and again at PEP 23. This collaborative environment, including industry partner Flux Marine, creates an impressive foundation for continued growth.

Check out all the 2023 race materials here: https://www.navalengineers.org/Education/PEP-Workforce-Development-Program/PES

2022 PEP Competition Season

Nathan Yates has been a great student leader for the PEP competition over the last two years, and this year's Princeton team showed the diversity of talents and materials that this team has started to assemble. During the 2021 competition, the Princeton PEP team worked in sync racing to put the finishing touches on the craft in Baltimore. This year, the team showed up ten times larger, with the same level of teamwork, and a year's worth of design and build. This craft was fast, and showed an elegant design that produced efficient speed.

Princeton Manned TeamDespite setbacks on race day, this team continues to grow, mature, and design for the future of electric propulsion. We spoke with many of the teammates, and were excited to learn about the team members' diversity of expertise and educational levels. This team composition bodes well for the team's continued growth and development in the future years. In particular, the support of the Princeton community behind these student teams is truly wonderful and a key resource in future years.

If you would like to support the Princeton manned and/or unmanned teams, please contact them at https://www.princetonelectricspeedboating.com/.

If you would like to support the Princeton crewed and/or uncrewed teams, please contact them at https://www.princetonelectricspeedboating.com/.