CAPT Barrick F. "Barry" Tibbitts, USN (Ret.)
Award: Harold E. Saunders Award
Year: 2006
CAPT Barrick F. "Barry" Tibbitts, USN (Ret.)
For his significant contribution to naval engineering as set forth in the following:
For the past five decades, Captain Tibbitts has been an inspiring and forward thinking leader in a broad range of naval engineering domains. His extensive career of notable achievements has materially contributed to the arts and sciences of naval engineering in the true tradition of the Navy’s Engineering Duty Officer Corps. His professionalism, dedication, and technical excellence have distinguished him as a leader among his peers throughout the naval engineering community. Over a period of twelve years, he held three of the Navy's most prestigious technical leadership commands: Commander of the David Taylor Research Center (DTRC), MIT Professor of Naval Construction and Engineering, and Director of NAVSEA's Ship Design Group (twice). He has also been a steadfast leader in educating, mentoring and developing the U.S. Navy’s military and civilian technical leaders in both Ship R&D and Ship Design.
In his various positions, he has always made it a point to mentor rising naval engineers. Captain Tibbitts has demonstrated an unusual ability to spot people with leadership potential early in their careers, and identify what is needed to stretch and develop them. Many of his former students have served or are now serving in senior ship engineering leadership positions, several are ship acquisition program managers, and three have made flag rank. Instituting a leadership centered culture has been the ultimate fruit of his labors.
Captain Tibbitts is recognized internationally as a naval ship design expert. He was unanimously elected as the chairman of the 12-nation NATO Ship Design Group (NG/6), a position he held for ten years at the urging of member nations. Under his leadership, a number of Allied Naval Engineering Publications (ANEPs) were developed, published, and used by member nations in the development of a wide range of naval ships, including NFR 90 – the NATO Replacement Frigate for the 1990s. Captain Tibbitts has clearly demonstrated productivity, growth, and outstanding accomplishment in naval engineering over the years, with ultimate wide recognition by peers as a leader in the field, and of such prestige as to merit the acclaim of the naval engineering community.
Captain Tibbitts remains active in professional societies and is a prolific writer. His writings are often considered required reading in many naval engineering universities and offices. He is an exemplary role model of day-to-day professionalism and the epitome of excellence in Naval Engineering. His accomplishments and long-term distinguished service truly merit the acclaim of the American Society of Naval Engineers by presentation of the prestigious Harold E. Saunders Award.