1423 Powhatan St., Suite 1
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
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Email: asnehq@navalengineers.org

This bylaws change was developed, approved and brought forward to the ASNE Council by ASNE's Sections and Regions Committee. The Council voted to bring the change forward for a vote by ASNE's membership. The proposal seeks to accomplish the following:
  1. Make ASNE Section Chairpersons voting members of ASNE's National Council.
    • Currently Section Chairs are non-voting ("ex-officio") members of the National Council.
    • This change assures ASNE members are directly represented at the national level by their elected Section Chairpersons.
    • The change also assures Section leaders have a direct role in the actions and decisions of ASNE's National Council.
    • The change also permits sections to elect an individual (other than the Section Chairperson) to represent the section on the National Council. If a Section chooses this option, that individual's replaces the Section Chairperson on the National Council and that individual's term of service on the National Council is coterminous with the Section's Chairperson's term of office. (i.e., the Section Chairperson relinquishes to an elected replacement his/her seat on the National Council for the duration of the Section Chair's term of office.)
  2. Eliminates ASNE's Regional Representatives.
    • Currently ASNE's Sections are represented on the National Council by Regional Representatives who are elected "at large" and are voting members of the Council.
    • This change replaces the Regional Representatives on the National Council with each ASNE Section's Chairperson.
    • The change then eliminates Regional Representatives.
  3. Maintains the voting composition of ASNE's National Council at 26
    • Officers (5; President, 3 VPs, and Executive Director)
    • The elected Section Chairpersons (Currently there are 8 active sections: Central Gulf Coast, Delaware Valley, Flagship, Metropolitan, Northern New England, San Diego, Southern Indiana, and Tidewater)
    • One student member (if authorized by the National Council)
    • The balance of the National Council is elected at large by the membership. (Current Example: 5 officers + 1 student + 8 Sections = 14 seats on National Council. The remaining 12 seats would be elected "at large". (26 - 14 = 12)
The following table summarizes the proposed changes.
Section 1.
The Council shall consist of five officers (the President, the three Vice-Presidents, and the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer of the Society); plus twenty Council members, some of whom (one per Region) will be elected from a maximum of six Council defined Geographic Regions outside the Washington Metropolitan Area. Additionally, the Council may authorize the election of a student member of Council.
Section 1.
The Council shall consist of five officers (the President, the three Vice-Presidents, and the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer of the Society); plus twenty Council members, to include an elected representative from each active Section as defined in the Sections manual. Additionally, the Council may authorize the election of a student member of Council.
Section 2.
Members of the Council, except the three Vice-Presidents and the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer, shall be elected for a term of two years, about one-half being elected each year. These members of the Council shall assume office on the first day of the Society's fiscal year. If election of a student member of the Council has been authorized, the student member shall be elected by the student members of the Society for a term of office defined by the Council, not to exceed two years. The student member shall be entitled to participate with voting privileges in all matters before the Council.
Section 2.
Members of the Council, except the three Vice-Presidents and the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer, shall be elected for a term of two years, about one-half being elected each year. These members of the Council shall assume office on the first day of the Society's fiscal year. If election of a student member of the Council has been authorized, the student member shall be elected by the student members of the Society for a term of office defined by the Council, not to exceed two years. The student member shall be entitled to participate with voting privileges in all matters before the Council. Each active section shall be represented on Council by their elected Section chair. Should the Section Chair be unwilling or unable to assume his seat on Council, the Section may elect from amongst its membership one member to serve on Council. Such an election shall be conducted following procedures defined by the Section's Manual.
Section 3.
The Section Chairmen and the Chairmen of Standing Committees who are not Council members shall serve as ex officio non-voting members of the Council, but they shall not be included in establishing a quorum.
Section 3.
Chairmen of Standing Committees who are not Council members shall serve as ex officio non-voting members of the Council, but they shall not be included in establishing a quorum.
Section 6.
Members of Council elected to represent Geographical Regions are responsible for maintaining a frequent dialog with all Sections in their region and representing them at meetings of the Council. The student member of the Council is responsible for maintaining a dialog with the student members of the Society and representing them at meetings of the Council. Proxy votes shall not be permitted.
Section 6.
The student member of the Council is responsible for maintaining a dialog with the student members of the Society and representing them at meetings of the Council. Proxy votes shall not be permitted.

Section 2. Standing Committees
d. Sections & Regions Committee. The Sections & Regions Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining communication between the Council and the Sections, and assisting in establishment and guidance of Sections and Chapters within them as described in Article XIII. The Committee, with the advice and approval of the Council is responsible for the revision of the Sections Manual. The committee will consist of a Chairman, and at least four other members. Section Chairmen are ex officio Committee members. Regional Representatives and Sections representatives (one per Section) are full voting members of the Committee.
Section 2. Standing Committees
d. Sections Committee. The Sections Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining communication between the Council and the Sections, and assisting in establishment and guidance of Sections and Chapters within them as described in Article XIII. The Committee, with the advice and approval of the Council is responsible for the revision of the Sections Manual. The committee will consist of a Chairman, and at least four other members. Section Chairmen are ex officio Committee members. Sections representatives (one per Section) are full voting members of the Committee.
Section 1.
Promptly following the Council meeting held no later than the eighth month of the Society's fiscal year, the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer shall conduct the election in accordance with procedures approved by Council. Voting may be conducted by paper ballot or by electronic means, but procedures shall ensure that each member eligible to vote is presented with the name of each candidate as approved by the Council, and the office to which they were nominated. Members representing the Geographical Regions on the Council shall be elected from within their respective Regions in accordance with procedures established by the Council. The polls shall be closed at the close of business on the tenth day of the tenth month of the Society's fiscal year. Proxy votes are not permitted. Election of a student member of the Council may be conducted separately at a time and in accordance with procedures established by the Council. Only student members of the Society as defined in Article V shall be eligible to vote for the student member of the Council.
Section 1.
Promptly following the Council meeting held no later than the eighth month of the Society's fiscal year, the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer shall conduct the election in accordance with procedures approved by Council. Voting may be conducted by paper ballot or by electronic means, but procedures shall ensure that each member eligible to vote is presented with the name of each candidate as approved by the Council, and the office to which they were nominated. The polls shall be closed at the close of business on the tenth day of the tenth month of the Society's fiscal year. Proxy votes are not permitted. Election of a student member of the Council may be conducted separately at a time and in accordance with procedures established by the Council. Only student members of the Society as defined in Article V shall be eligible to vote for the student member of the Council.